So, last
week a thought crossed my mind.
It was the day after Christmas, and it was one of the most Games Workshoppy ones my lady and I'd had in a while. I’d already been hit with a financial crunch, but really... by seventh edition I’d lost most hope for the game. As I’ve mentioned before.
Eighth edition has really rekindled my love for 40K. And I’d already been having this ongoing fling with Age of Sigmar, so it was kinda the best of both worlds. And my girlfriend’s okay with it as long as she gets included sometimes (I'm a lucky guy).
So this Christmas was some Death Guard and a core of Stormcast Eternals for me, while she got the core of a shiny new Arkanaut/ Kharadron force (she’s had her eye on the steampunk dwarves and their airships since they first showed up).
There was much rejoicing.
But it got me thinking about building a lot of this stuff. And the tweaks I still need to make to my Death Guard so they’ll fit this brave new millennium we’ve entered into. Plus some Primaris I have left to build. Really, there’s a ton of additions for the Relictors that have kinda piled up. And the core of a Seraphon army that I’ve been collecting for ages...

That’s a lot of stuff to work on. And not a lot of time. Especially since I’m really pushing to get two new books done in 2018.
When you also consider that I barely managed to post twelve times last year...and only nine times the year before that. Trying to do any sort of noteworthy project, document it, and write up semi-useful directions takes up a fair amount of time. Plus, there hasn’t been any real response on anything in about two years, and even then it’s not like there were long lines of people waiting to share their thoughts.
So... I think I’ll be shuttering this blog. I won’t be so extreme as to delete it—there’s still plenty of advice here for conversions and Paperhammer models. Plus the models themselves in the STC files.
I may still post something now and then, too. I’ve got a scratch-built Ogre Tyrant that I put together for about six bucks. Some updates on my cheap Legion of the Damned. And I’ve been toying with building a cardstock version on Witchfate Tor. Maybe even get some of these Paperhammer projects finally done and painted...
I may put some new stuff over on my just-as-neglected Relictors blog. It’s a little less instruction, a little more of my musing about the game and the chapter and my take on them (and how my models fit into that take). And I'll continue to do stuff with the Atomic Warlords (for as long as they'll have me).
So, to the three of you who still check this page every other month or so... thanks. If you have any interest, I actually blab a lot about geeky stiff on Twitter and Instagram. Maybe I’ll see you there.
The Emperor Protects.