One of the biggest issues I’ve been dealing with lately is
rebasing. The move from Warhammer Fantasy to Age of Sigmar meant all those figures
had to be moved over to round bases (although my Empire and Undead armies have
decided to stay on their square bases... because sweet Jeebus that’s a lot of
figs). In the workd of 40K, we’ve seen Space Marines of all types and flavors
move over to these new 32mm bases, finally gaining a sense of the size and mass
they’ve always supposedly had.
For most of us, this is a huge project. I have four major Marine armies—Relictors,
Alpha Legion, Thousand Sons, and Death Guard (plus a few others...).
On a rough guess... that’s somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 models
that need to end up on larger bases. And
they’re all connected to their current bases in a variety of ways.
Some of you may be in the same boat. Here's a few options I came up with. You may have poked at some or all of them...

At first I’d planned to split them between my Relictors and my Alpha Legion, just dropping them on (or under) HQ units, squad leaders, and other key figures. Then I realized their best use was metal figs on slottabases. Which is only a few Relictors and Alpha Legion guys, but a lot of my Death Guard and Thousand Sons. And Necrons. So the priorities shifted a bit there.

Helpful Hint—These adaptors are great, but they’re
ever-so-slightly too high on the edges, even for the slottabase models.. I ended up sanding them down just a bit—maybe
a millimeter or two—so they’d be flush with the GW bases. It took maybe six back-and-forth swipes
the sandpaper.
Now, rebasing option two’s the classic one. Cut the model
off the old base, remount it on the new base.
Straightforward, and only costs you the new bases. I think you can buy a bag of 32mm bases from
GW for about .40 cents per base, but that’s if you buy a hundred of them. For a ten-pack, they’re .50 each You might be able to do slightly lower than
those prices if you dig around on eBay stores for dealers like Blackdagger or Hobby Titan.
The catch here is that it means wrecking any basing/scenery you might’ve previously added. Plus... well, I don’t know about you. but the knife’s slipped a few times for me or slid off path and suddenly a marine’s missing part of their heel or toes. It’s a minor thing, but it grates at me. I did maybe a dozen Relictors like this a few weeks back, carefully cutting off one foot at a time. Only one lost a bit of his heel.
The catch here is that it means wrecking any basing/scenery you might’ve previously added. Plus... well, I don’t know about you. but the knife’s slipped a few times for me or slid off path and suddenly a marine’s missing part of their heel or toes. It’s a minor thing, but it grates at me. I did maybe a dozen Relictors like this a few weeks back, carefully cutting off one foot at a time. Only one lost a bit of his heel.

And there you go. Three quick, easy, and relatively cheap way to make your old models new and even a little bigger.
Got to stand up to those Primaris somehow...
Just to let people looking at this know, you can often get bases from websites like aliexpress for close to five cents a base.