First, though, I wanted to show off this one last guy (who's still waiting on a perfect head). I mentioned that I was going to go with two
squads of four most of the time. This is
my other Aberration, the one who’ll probably end up with my ancient
haemonuclous, Pyn (last week’s guy with the scissorhand will be
with Rakarth most of the time). Like all
the Grotesques, he got a pile of spare vials and cylinders, and like the other
Aberration he got one of the spare Talos racks to help mark him out.
I wanted to give him a venom blade to go with his close
combat weapon. It’s a cheap way to give
an Aberration a little more punch in close combat. I tried a few different things (including the
blades off old Dark Eldar rifles) before I settled on these. They’re some of the spare fins from the new
Raider sets. In this guy’s hands, they
look like curving knives, which is perfect.
The pommel of each knife is actually an old Space Marine dagger. I cut off the hilt, then cut the blade so its
back sat against the guard.
So, as to painting... I primed the Grotesques black and then based their skin with
Fortress Grey. The next step will be a
drybrush with Pallid Flesh and a very light brush of Skull White. The loincloths will go red to tie them in
with the rest of my army (I went with the Obsidian Rose Kabal color scheme). Yeah, it's not much so far, but I just wanted to give a sense of how these guys would look with some paint on them.
It’s worth noting that their pants are essentially just
painted on. The uneven texture of the
Rat Ogres gives the appearance of ragged material, and once there’s a dark gray
drybrush on some of the “bandages” at the ankles and thighs that’ll really sell
it. A wash of Nuln Oil should give them
a semi-glossy, leathery appearance.
Hopefully next time these guys are seen, they’ll be doing
awful things to Marc’s Orks.
By the way... I’ve lucked into a very nice contract with the Crown Publishing Group, but it does mean I’m going to be very busy for the next
couple of months. I’d hoped to do a
paperhammer Destroyer Tank Hunter this month and maybe start a Warhound before
the end of the year. Alas, the
Warhound’s definitely not going to happen now, and I might not get to the tank
until the end of the year... and someone just tempted me with a new Thunderbolt
template. But I’m going to try to keep
offering all my cheapskate ideas and tips on a semi-regular basis.
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