It’s the new year, so I thought I’d post a few quick
thoughts about this geeky blog and... well, what I feel like I’m doing here.
Yeah, I know. I don’t
do much here. Very funny.
Anyway, on one level, this page is pretty straightforward. Miniature wargaming can be an expensive
hobby. Bare-bones entry level can be
over a hundred dollars, and that’s not even talking glue, paint, or time. A few
years back I hit a long stretch of poverty—not imagined-poverty or slight-belt-tightening,
but actual how-do-we-pay-rent-this-month poverty? It was a really bleak time,
made more so because my absolute favorite hobby went from a big part of my life
to completely unaffordable in about a month.
Alas, while I’ve managed to claw my way back into the middle
class, I know there are still some folks who haven’t. Worse yet, Games Workshop’s prices have
skyrocketed over the past few years.
Thirty dollars per figure? Fifty
dollars for bare-basic tanks? I remember
when $150 would pretty much get you a solid army—and that wasn’t so long
ago. Now it’s a lucky thing if that same
$150 can round out your Heavy Support choices.
So being able to build a lot of these models on the cheap means keeping the game open and available to a lot more folks. That’s a good thing. And I’m glad to share my tips and experience with you. Read another way, I’ve screwed up so you don’t have to.
So being able to build a lot of these models on the cheap means keeping the game open and available to a lot more folks. That’s a good thing. And I’m glad to share my tips and experience with you. Read another way, I’ve screwed up so you don’t have to.
On another level, though... The hobby part of this game
doesn’t just mean buying the boxed set, putting it together with company glue,
and painting it with company paints. In fact, there was a time when said
company encouraged creativity and offered tips to players who couldn’t afford
to drop a lot of money. Making terrain out of cardboard and styrofoam used to be a regular feature in White Dwarf articles.
Black Gobbo ran a great piece (remember Black Gobbo?) showing how to mix
parts from a Basilisk and a Leman Russ to create a very passable Salamander and Destroyer. Heck, I remember when the Ogre line was first
introduced for Fantasy, White Dwarf ran a whole article about how to
convert Hero characters from basic ogres (just in case you couldn’t afford the
big metal models.
(I’ll touch on this again in a few weeks)
Thing is, I like making my own models and scenery pieces.
I enjoy it. I’m proud of the fact that I turned three
Tony’s Pizza boxes into a very solid Imperial Knight and some bargain-store
Halloween decorations into multi-use scenery.
I like being able to turn some random pieces I dug out of my local
gaming store’s bitz bins into a unique and impressive Captain for my Relictors
or a character for an Age of Sigmar game.
So, that’s that this is all about. For me, anyway. Making the game accessible to a lot more
people and giving those people a chance to do something a lot more personal and
unique with the units in their army.
If any of that interests you... thanks for being here.
I’ll try to be semi-interesting.
If any of that interests you... thanks for being here.
I’ll try to be semi-interesting.